Senin, 04 November 2013

Welcome 20!

Today was such a happy day with so many people.
Begun with a small surprise from Ajeng and Raisa at midnight (thanks for the goodtime and choco wallens); Ajreng and Rachma at afternoon (thanks for the klappertaart); and unexpected surprise from high school friends Mega, Gyan, Erica, Eno, Asti, Toni and Abi at evening (thanks for the blackforest), and the end at night i got a surprise from Melati and Marina (thanks for the donuts).

So many happy things returned this year. People yet come and go, but i never missed any attention, i'm not alone. Im surrounded by many people who really care abt me. Thanks for so many wishes, prayers, and greetings from my friendsss in real life and socmed... i love you so much. May everything that you all have wished for me, will be returned. Cheers