Kamis, 01 Desember 2011


Maybe it’s not the fact that you’re you. Maybe it’s how you did it. Maybe that’s the actual reason why I keep coming back to you. Maybe all I need is for someone to make me fall in love with them in the exact way you made me fall in love with you, and maybe then I’ll finally be happy, because maybe it’s possible for me to be happy without you. :)

Jumat, 07 Oktober 2011

Rabu, 05 Oktober 2011

#DDP Sampah di Perumahan Elit

Aku berjalan santai di basement fisipol sepulang kuliah sambil melihat ke kanan, kiri, depan, dan belakang untuk mencari hal yang menarik perhatianku. Sampai di tempat motorku diparkir, aku masih belum menemukan pemandangan itu. Kukendarai motorku menuju kost dengan jarum di speedometer menunjuk angka 30 km/jam sambil sesekali menengok ke kanan dan ke kiri. Hampir sampai di Jalan Gambir, aku masih belum menemukannya. Kost-ku terletak di Jalan Flamboyan tetapi aku memilih lewat Jalan Gambir supaya lebih cepat sampai. Melewati pekarangan di belakang kost-ku, aku menemukan pemandangan yang cukup menarik perhatianku. Sampah.
Aku tak pernah melewati jalan ini sebelumnya karena dilarang oleh Ibu Kost-ku. Katanya, jalan belakang agak rawan. Dibelakang kost-ku memang terdapat pekarangan yang tidak terlalu luas dan ditumbuhi rumput-rumput tinggi. Terpisah jalan paving, terdapat pekarangan yang tidak hanya ditumbuhi rumput, tetapi juga pohon-pohon besar dan tinggi. Ada tumpukan sampah di dua pekarangan tersebut meskipun menyebar di beberapa titik.
Tumpukan sampah ini cukup menarik perhatianku karena kost-ku berada di komplek perumahan elit yang hampir semua bangunannya bergaya mewah dan berpagar tinggi ditambah setiap hari, petugas kebersihan tak lupa mengangkut sampah yang ada dalam kotak-kotak sampah di setiap rumah. Ternyata masih ada juga orang-orang yang membuang sampahnya disembarang tempat sehingga menumpuk di beberapa titik. Ada juga bekas abu pembakaran sampah, rupanya jika sudah terlalu menumpuk dan berada dekat dengan jalan, sampah itu dibakar dan menyebabkan bau “sangit” dimana-mana. Sepertinya penghuni kostku yang terdahulu membuang sampah sembarangan juga karena ada titik pembuangan sampah yang dekat dengan tembok kost-ku. Dapur kost memang terbuka dengan teralis besi sehingga memudahkan penghuni kost untuk melempar sampahnya begitu saja sehingga menumpuk di dekat tembok.
Walaupun belum bisa dibilang tempat yang kumuh karena sampah-sampah tersebut belum berserakan dan masih dalam gundukan yang wajar serta belum menimbulkan bau yang menyengat karena sampah itu kebanyakan plastik, tetap saja hal tersebut mengganggu pemandangan orang yang lewat. Seharusnya Ketua RT setempat menghimbau kepada warga untuk tidak membuang sampah di pekarangan itu dan melarang untuk melakukan pembakaran sampah karena terlalu beresiko dengan pohon-pohon dan daun kering disekelilingnya. Ketua RT juga sebaiknya mengajak warga untuk bekerja bakti membersihkan sampah dan menumpuknya di satu titik agar keesokan harinya diangkut oleh petugas kebersihan.
Ternyata kesadaran masyarakat Indonesia untuk membuang sampah pada tempatnya masih cenderung rendah terbukti dengan adanya gundukan-gundukan sampah di banyak tempat tanpa menyadari apakah hal tersebut dapat mengganggu kebersihan dan kesehatan diri sendiri bahkan di perumahan elit sekalipun.

Jumat, 22 April 2011


Tonight ―sigh―
You can call me stupid crazy creepy or whatsoever. Sorry guys for not being as you wished, i was just stuck.
I wonder how come nichkhun and victoria overcame their awkward moments lol
I'm just now understand awkwardness aaah i wished i could hide myself atm. Crap
Now i'm feeling guilty with ma friends :( sorry for not taking the chance. Sorry for wasting your time *ahh i never asked y'all to made a condition like that* but it didnt make me so ungrateful. Thanks anyway.
And for ehm ―my crush― sorry. It was so silly and emm wasting your time. Really i wanted to tell you a lot. Guess why did i just shut my mouth up? My lips was not having a good coordnation with my brain.
And for the last......
I wont ever forget tonight. As long as i breathe :p
But i dont think if it will be better. Maybe it wont ever be talked ever after.and what abt me? Tch such a creep *sobs*

Selasa, 12 April 2011

i call them seniors :p

I’m in proccess of being an ELF kekeke. I’ve known SJ for more about two years. And i like to talk about SJ with ‘senior’ ELFs. I call them seniors cause they are sunbaes (?) who had known SJ longer than me. They know SJ so well kkkkk~ and so welcome with newbies. They’re very kind and not annoying like newbies hhhhhhh so much antis call ELF ‘ababil’ -_- hellooooo not all of ELFs like that. senior ELFs are cooler than newbies. They are not simply trust with ‘murahan’ rumours and spamming then ‘galau’-ing too much about that. I also like their style to face antis. Not blaming antis like newbies do. They’re not kind of ‘senggol-bacok’ ELFs who complain too much and blame anyone who give negative comments to SJ oppas. They have their own way to be fangirls, simple but sweet lol~ and you know what?? They make me love SJ oppas more and moooooore because they still love our oppas in any seasons, and any conditions. Not too much but left an big impression. Kyaaa i love youuu sunbaes :D

Sabtu, 02 April 2011


Show me the way to make you happy
I almost to give up going through this way
Any words i said are useless to make you believe that my feeling is worth it
I have been being strong enough to hold you, to defend my feeling
But you're always like that, as usual, never miss me
Really i won't be able, until whenever i still won't be able to hate you cause i can't do that
It's hard for me, really hard for me to set apart between love and hate that i feel.
Do you know that i'm sad by myself?
Without you, i'm being alone
I've been waiting so long in the silence..
you like me halfheartedly,
I'm sick because of you.............

Kamis, 10 Maret 2011

I'm Sorry :(

I'm sorry for being sensitive. I'm sorry for being unsure. This feeling is confusing me. I cant think clearly. I do think negative. However what i'm thinking about is totally different from reality. Sometimes i could feel so happy because of your responses. But, when i do think negative, it seems like i don't have any chances. All the ways are closed. While the reality is not as terrible as in my mind.
Negative thinking is not good. It could take you to the worst mood. Though you it is made by yourself.
I have to admit that the way you act is confusing me. Sometimes it seems like "okay" but then you can change it into "no". I'm mad because i don't know how you feel :(
Lord Voldemort! Please teach me leglimency! I want to be able to read his mind!
Hmmm if you really ask me "actually, i feel that way too. But the time is wrong. I’d be very happy if you want to stay here for about two months and wait for the right time. Would you like to do it for me?" , i will never walk out of this way.

Kamis, 24 Februari 2011


suddenly, i miss you all.
laughing in the midnight. i know we can never back like we used to be. i could never hate everyone of you, everyone of us.
we haven't talk for a long time. Did everyone of you ever miss me?

Rabu, 09 Februari 2011

i really like this part♥

Yo and it's so, so
Sad it just ain't happening
Wish it could be better
Sorry to be scrapping
But I just can't let ya
Shouldn't be less than happy
I said look at me
I couldn't live with myself seeing you lacking
The things you deserve
Baby you was a part ?
Must believe that it hurts
That lead this world
I feel the aching through my body
It just takes a bigger part of me
To be let you go
I wish that one soul

Senin, 31 Januari 2011

dear mickey,

I enjoy for every detail, everytime i stare at him when he smiles, when he laughs, every little thing he does.
I look for him. In every place where i stand. I wish he never out of my sight. Because every minute is worth to be passed without seeing him. I know... I dont have much time for it bcause after this, we'll be apart, to decide the best way for our own life, to reach our dreams.
Someday, if God let us to meet again, we will :)