Senin, 28 Oktober 2013

You : *look deeply into my eyes* Finally i found you. where have you been?
Me : sorry? did you try to find me? *chuckled* Lord saved me :p
You : is that sooo? hmm?
Me : where have you been? i have been here all the time. you were so blind baby~
You : i wasn't.
Me : Yes you are! you ignored me, you kept blocking your sight from me.
You : ....
Me : Do you remember when you were with someone else but you still didn't understand your own feeling?
You : hm?
Me : Let me tell you,a piece of puzzle can't be suitable with another piece that isn't its mate. and so do people's hearts.
You : whatever. the matter is now, you are so mine. and one thing that you have to know is, i don't like sharing what's mine. i don't like sharing you. i don't like to see you with other so and so.
Me : clingy!
You : yes i am.